Underwater cleanhull in Algeciras bay & Gibraltar strait

Afloat Repairs
Sts operations
UCS Underwater Cofferdam System
Eco Hull Cleaning System
Blades Reparations
Towing Services

Sts operations

Eco Hull Cleaning System

Our Policy

Quality Management & Environmental Systems Policy

Quality, the health and safety of our workers and any other person who may be affected by our activities, and concern for our environment is the main reason why ATLANTIDA’s Management has determined the need to implement an Integrated Quality, Environment and Occupational Health and Safety Management System.

ATLANTIDA’s Quality, Environment and Occupational Health and Safety System complies with all current legal and regulatory requirements, including environmental requirements, as well as the requirements of the applicable ISO-9001, ISO-14001 and ISO 45001 standards, providing workers with the necessary and economically viable measures to eliminate, reduce or control occupational risks. And it is carried out in accordance with the activities developed by the company in the provision of our services of repair and external cleaning of ships and submerged installations, as well as towing services.

Being aware of the importance for our clients of the quality of the services we provide, and of the growing concern of our clients and society in general for the conservation of the environment, we have developed a Quality, Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety Management System, with the aim of ensuring that our clients are satisfied with our services and that we continuously improve the work we carry out with the least possible alteration of the environment and the greatest possible safety for those involved.
ATLANTIDA’s vision of Quality, Environment and Health and Safety at Work is summarised in the following principles:

  • Commitment of the Management and all ATLANTIDA employees, each taking responsibility for their work.
  • Focus on the satisfaction of our customers, our employees and our identified interested parties, and collection of their opinions and suggestions, as information to improve our Quality, Environment and Occupational Health and Safety Management System.
  • Identification of the environmental impacts derived from our activities, committing ourselves to implement the necessary measures aimed at reducing, as far as possible, and preventing any type of pollution caused by the operations due to our work, always bearing in mind the idea of protecting the environment.
  • Identifying hazards and risks and undertaking to eliminate such hazards and reduce such risks.
  • Management commitment to inform of any changes in processes, the introduction of new materials and equipment and the protective equipment that can be used to minimise occupational risks.

En Algeciras, a 10 de junio de 2022

Aprobada por: Jesús M. Moreno Viñán

atlantida (1)-BLANCO
atlantida crw certificaciones